1. |
2024/03/01 |
2. |
2023/07/12 |
IPEF Supply Chain Crisis Response Network Operation (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, ROK) (Busan, Korea)
3. |
2023/06/22 |
Regional Economic Cooperation under the RCEP Framework: Japan's Perspectives (Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat)(Seoul, Korea)
4. |
2023/03/14 |
「グローバル化と経済安全保障:その均衡点のゆくえ」(財務省 財務総合研究所)
5. |
2023/02/06 |
「日本の経済安全保障推進法について」(Korea Institute for International Economic Policy: KIEP)(Seoul, Korea)
6. |
2022/10/21 |
7. |
2022/08/23 |
8. |
2022/08/02 |
9. |
2022/07/11 |
10. |
2022/06/07 |
11. |
2022/03/23 |
12. |
2022/03/19 |
13. |
2021/09/29 |
「RCEPセミナー:第2章物品の貿易・附属書I 関税に係る約束の表」(国際機関日本アセアンセンター)(オンライン開催)
14. |
2022/02/01 |
「RCEP関税・貿易政策研究会シンポジウム ~RCEPの活用に向けて~」(日本関税協会)(オンライン開催)
15. |
2022/01/12 |
「 RCEPを通じた日中韓の貿易自由化」(日本経済団体連合会)(東京)
16. |
2021/12/06 |
17. |
2021/10/29 |
18. |
2020/08/11 |
"Trade in Medical Goods in East Asia and a Possible Direction for Future Cooperation"(中国国際問題研究院)(Beijing-Tokyo: Online)
19. |
2019/09/24 |
20. |
2019/05/03 |
"Policies for Increasing the Beneficiaries of Globalization: Recent Initiatives in Japan" (APEC)(Valparaíso-Viña del Mar, Chile)
21. |
2017/02/14 |
「FTA 締結に伴う国内対策のあり方 -日米比較を通じた評価-」 (日本国際問題研究所)(東京)
22. |
2016/12/14 |
"Japan's Role in the Asia Pacific Regional Economic Integration" (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC)(Taipei, ROC)
23. |
2016/06/17 |
"Assessing the TPP's Impact on Japan's Economic Recovery and U.S.-Japan Relations" (The Brookings Institution)(Washington D.C.)
24. |
2015/07/19 |
"Enlarging the Boundaries of Economic and Business Cooperation" (Seoul-Tokyo Forum)(Seoul, ROK)
25. |
2014/12/08 |
"Policy Issues regarding the Promotion of FTA Utilization in Japan" (University of Tokyo)(Tokyo, Japan)
26. |
2014/07/01 |
"Impacts of TPP on Economic Integration and Production Linkage in Asia Pacific" (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC)(Taipei, ROC)
27. |
2014/06/18 |
"Trade in Goods under the CJK FTA" (Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat)(Weihai, China)
28. |
2014/01/29 |
"Determinants of Voters' Attitudes toward the TPP in Japan and the Possible Direction of Short-Term Domestic Countermeasures" (ERINA)(Niigata, Japan)
29. |
2012/05/29 |
Tariff Liberalization & Non Tariff Barriers (ERIA and Ministry of Commerce of Cambodia)(Phnom Penh, Cambodia)