(最終更新日:2024-04-19 08:17:48)
  シン インヨン   Shin Inyong
  申 寅容
   所属   経済学部 経済学科
   職種   教授
理論経済学, 経済政策, 経済統計 (キーワード:経済学、理論経済学、ダイナミクス、経済政策、経済成長、経済発展) 
1. 1999/04~2003/03 東京都立大学大学院 社会科学研究科 博士課程修了 博士 (経済学)
1. 2003/04~2004/03 東京都立大学 経済学部 助手
2. 2009/09~2010/08 ニューヨーク州立大学ストーニーブルック校 客員教授
3. 2022/09~2023/08 ニューヨーク州立大学ストーニーブルック校 客員教授
1. 著書  Changes in technology demand and the role of key talents in science and technology for future society   (共著) 2009 Link
2. 論文  The effects of pandemics on income inequality: Visualizing a theoretical analysis Economic Modelling 133,pp.1-16 (単著) 2024/04 Link
3. 論文  Changes in Time Preference Caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic East Asian Economic Review 27(3),pp.179-211 (単著) 2023/09 Link
4. 論文  Compressed Demographic Transition and Economic Growth in the Latecomer Analyses and Alternatives 7(2),pp.35-77 (共著) 2023/06 Link
5. 論文  Comparison of Consumption Behaviors According to Income Framing and Source: Japan, Philippines and Korea International Area Studies Review (KCI) 24(2),53-72頁 (共著) 2020/06
1. 2008/09 [1] How to Solve Dynamic Macroeconomic Models(Science and Technology Policy Institute, Seoul Korea)
2. 2009/06 [2] Income Inequality and Economic Growth(Science and Technology Policy Institute, Seoul Korea)
3. 2010/04 [3] Applications of Mathematics to Dynamic Economics(the State University of New York at Stony Brook)
4. 2014/03 [4] Latecomer's Advantage in Demographic Transition and the Effects on Both Economic Growth and Aging Process(Chonnam National University, Gwangju Korea)
5. 2015/06 [5] Could Pension System Make Us Happier?(Chonnam National University, Gwangju Korea)
1. 2015/11/07 [22] Is Compressed Demographic Transition a Bonus or Onus on Economic Growth?(13th Asia Pacific Conference (APC) 2015)
2. 2015/05/23 [21] Effect of consuming imported cultural goods on trading partners' tolerance toward immigrants: The case of Japanese anime in Korea(日本経済学会2015年度春季大会)
3. 2014/08/11 [20] Latecomer's Advantage in Demographic Transition and the Effects on Both Economic Growth and Aging Process(The 16th KEA (Korean Economic Association) International Conference)
4. 2014/02/19 [19] Institutional anomie and latent class growth modeling(ACJS (Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences) 51th Annual Meeting) Link
5. 2013/03/23 [18] Analysis of Alcohol Involved Crime on a College Campus(ACJS (Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences) 50th Annual Meeting) Link
1. 2010~ Professional Service (Reviewer, Elsevier 公認 Reviewer 課程修了)
2. 2016/07~2016/07 Panelist