(最終更新日:2024-11-08 12:40:51)
  スカウテン アンドリュー   SCHOUTEN Andrew
  スカウテン アンドリュー
   所属   都市創造学部 都市創造学科
   職種   講師
1. 1998/09~2002/06 University of Wisconsin 卒業 History (B.A.)
2. 2012/08~2015/08 University of Florida 修士課程修了 Urban Planning (M.A.)
3. 2015/09~2019/09 University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) 博士課程修了 Urban Planning (Ph.D.)
1. 2022/04~ 亜細亜大学 都市創造学部 都市創造学科 講師
1. 論文  Are immigrants migrating away from transit? Immigrant transit use trends in California Travel Behaviour and Society 36,pp.1-17 (共著) 2024
2. 論文  COVID-19 and the demand for transit access: Residential real estate prices in the Tokyo metropolitan area Journal of Transport Geography  (共著) 2024
3. 論文  License to drive: The effect of state driver’s licensing laws on the travel of undocumented immigrants Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice  (共著) 2024
4. 論文  Residential real estate demand in the Tokyo metropolitan area: Spatial trends during the COVID-19 era. Studies of Urban Innovation 8,pp.1-14 (共著) 2024
5. 論文  COVID-19が働く場所に与えた影響の考察:首都圏におけるフレキシブルオフィスの空間的・時間的な広がり ARES不動産証券化ジャーナル  (共著) 2023
1. 2024 Vehicle Ownership Changes in California During the COVID-19 Era(Annual Conference of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning)
2. 2022 Driving, Residential Location, and Employment Outcomes among Older Adults(Applied Regional Science Conference Annual Meeting)
3. 2021 Giving up the Keys: A Longitudinal Study of Driving Cessation Among Aging Americans(Pacific Southwest Region University Transportation Center Congress)
4. 2021 License to Drive: The Effect of State Driver’s Licensing Laws on the Travel of Unauthorized Immigrants(Transportation Research Board 100th Annual Meeting)
5. 2021 Residential Location and Household Spending: Exploring the Relationship between Neighborhood Characteristics and Transportation and Housing Costs(Japan Section of the Regional Science Association International 58th Annual Meeting)